I want to write this post without shedding a tear but by the time I am done one will roll from my eye. . .

Today is the anniversary of the man, the myth, and the legend Tupac "2pac" Amaru Shakur death in Las Vegas, Nevada after dying from the injuries he sustained. Tupac has influenced all of us at one point of our lives, I personally think he is the only rapper that most parents would allow their kids to listen to (minus the curses) he spoke alot of truth and didn't hold any punches. And its mind-blogging to me how 14 years could have possibly past and nothing has been done to solve this crime, this is more than a black man dead, but an amazing soul and a highly articulate human being taken away from the world. I was about 6 or 7 years old when he died, but I will tell you when he died I knew things wouldn't be the same and trust me it hasn't been. There are only a few gems that come into our lives and bring something new and he was one of them. Til this day I am heartbroken because the reality is that we will never have another Tupac. Yes he was troubled soul, but he was taken away too early and didnt have the time to mature and grow. Like they say some people are blessed enough to have a mission they must complete that will bring an infinite impact, but must leave when their mission is complete. From his beautiful smile, to his charismatic lyrics, and amazing acting skills, Tupac Amaru Shakur will never be forgotten. We love you && we miss you. #THUGLIFE
"When Will The Violence Cease When Your Troops Stop Shooting Niggas Down In The Street"
"A Quiet Spot For You To Do Me In The Dark/Now That Its Passion Hold Me Tight Don't Need Lights I Can See You By The Moonlight" [Note: This Song Gives Me Chills, Oh Maan]
"Say What Yu Say But Give Me That Bomb Beat From Dre && Let Me Serenade The Streets of L.A."
May His Soul Rest In Paradise Otherwise Known As "Thugz Mansion"
Tupac "2pac" Amaru Shakur June 16, 1971-September 13th, 1996