Yes I'm here and in full effect, I have been away for a couple of days but can you blame me i'm on a constant paper chase and i know you guys are. But I think I have about 3 more blogs in me for this week and then caribana weekend review along with some photos lmao. But yes let's get to the subject at head. . .
Ok for sometime this has always been on my mind since Oprah had a series on this and BET had their own 3 or 4 part series called Hip Hop v. America and how can I forget Karrine 'Superhead' Steffans infamous book Diary of A Video Vixen. And you guessed it if you skipped the title I'm going to have to talk about the fascination of the terms Bitches && Hoes. Well let's begin shall we. . .
What does the word bitch mean? Well if you look it up in the dictionary the word means a female dog (i don't think any female would like to be called a dog) but look at how things have changed ! With words changing over time and the meaning being changed the word can be used in an endearing way or degrading way (depends on how it is said). Any who there has been a lot of chatter on how this word is used too much and how it is degrading and it sets women back. Not to mention with this type of language being put into alot of lyrics especially rap lyrics, there are usually visual aid to this songs (music videos) so when women are portrayed bitches it is very degrading once again. But I think the word that most 'activists' think is probably even more degrading is the use of the word 'ho', well along time ago the word meant a garden tool, but its funny how things change and is now a term that is used to call a woman that sleeps with every tom dick and harry. But I could've sworn that 'ho' is actually whore but whatever.
The readon why I am taking about this (especially since it is talked about alot) I feel like I should give my two cents. Why? Well because it's MY blog so I can do whatever I want LOL. But on some serious shit I feel that sometimes us black women put this shit on ourselves because if you think about it I dont think there is one black lady that hasnt called someone a bitch in their whole entire lives (saved or not), but that's not the case I'm trying to make. What I'm trying to say that although these disrespectful words are being said on a continuous basis and it has become so much of a norm it's turned into a second nature for this generation. So in saying this I have alot of things to address alot of these activists say that there is too much booty shaking and booty popping in the male rap music videos and the word bitch and hoe being used. Fine, I agree. But Beyonce does the same shit, the only difference is that her shit is choreographed and when she says the word bitch (in the song Ego)it is glorified and many of us commend that. But the funny thing about that is if Kanye would've said the b-word in the remix somebody would prolly say something about it and overlook Beyonce sayin the same shit. So that there is already problematic, so tell me why is that when a man uses the word bitch we wanna start a rally and when a woman says it we either agree or wanna beat her ass for it? The same goes for the word ho and slut
Me personally I will tell you the truth I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! I don't care because look at this way us women are guilty for calling other women by the same shit, but as soon as a man says it we are ready to go APE shit in the whole place. Like hello sometimes people need to realize that you must treat people the way you wanted to be treated, if you gonna call someone a hoe and and in some cases she might not be a hoe or a slut, somebody else will call you that. And in some cases in order for men to have respect for any of us, we need to have respect for ourselves. If there is no respect between women why does a man have to respect us? Please tell me that why? Me the way I see it if a rapper says the word bitch and hoe and what not it dont phase me for a minute because I am not of the sort, so when other women catch feelings I'm like if it doesn't apply to you why are u making such a big deal out of it. There are bitches out there there are hoes out there and there are sluts out there. I hate to tell everybody that, but it's the damn truth and if there is someone that is a hoe they will be addressed in that manner. But if your gonna call girls whores and bitches and shit and you know u have no reason to you jus acting like an idiot.
I feel like the only way this problem can be solved, is through education and I dont mean reading a book, it starts from the mothers aunties older cousins grandmothers things of that sort. Because if you think about it we should all be lifting each other up because when you help another woman out there is no need to have bitches, hoes, and sluts. there is always that support that is shown that stops a grrl from making the mistake that may have them labelled as such. Butr really who the fuck am i to say anything i am only one person and in this world ignorance is an excuse for everyday's problems. . .
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