Disclaimer: If You Don't Have An Open Mind or If Youtube Is Your Only Source of Education This Post Is Not For You. . .Let's Begin
I will start by saying this I want to work in the music industry and I want to be a black female mogul. Now with that being said let us talk about all the recent success that rap has had, but with anybody that is doing good (I find it especially with black musical artists) when they reach a certain point of success it can't be credited to them or they will be bashed for it. In terms of rap music it has gone through many battles including between the years of 1992-1995 where rap music was being put under microscope and being banned and what have you. Now lets fast forward the times, one of the biggest acts of our time, Jay-Z and his wife Beyonce and anybody that seems to be associated with them is a. . . . . .#drumrollplease. . . .a devil worshipper/illuminati/freemason. Now before everybody starts talking crazy, has anybody sat there and thought for a second about these accusations?
I'm going to start by saying, "He who is without sin, may cast the first stone", now tell me what you think that means. Many of us will run around saying "only God can judge me" and will rip apart people for judging a person without knowing them, but as soon as someone wants to call somebody a devil worshipper we are all for it. For the Christians that are quick to bash somebody about being a devil worshipper, why are you not as quick to talk to these people and get to know them or even try to figure out why people are willing to essentially "sell their souls" to have a life of riches and fame. Not to mention as a Christian why are you looking so intently for evil, if anything you need to be looking for the good and trying to find another way to love. And let us not forget at the end of the day you need to treat people the way you want to be treated therefore accusing someone or implying about something that you have no idea about is not only of poor judgement but of poor character as well.
As for the secular people that only like to call on God when someone is called a devil worshipper I would like to say Thank the Lord you people are not reverends in the pulpit because it is people like you that make me go, "are you serious right now?". Where the hell do some of you get off wanting to call someone a devil worshipper and crucify them but will still be having pre-marital sex, drinking, be at the club every week etc etc etc. Now that statement is not to point fingers at people but this is to offer a different perspective as to how people see things. You can't possibly be trying to call someone a devil worshipper or some type of secret society, but yet you are basically doing the devil's will. You guys are what I would like to call Sunday Christians, I would explain but i think it is pretty self explanatory.
This foolishness with the all seeing eye and blah blah did anybody know that some of it is egyptian mythology and beliefs, so if someone decides to take certain aspects of it and change the meaning and representation obviously people are going to think certain way of it. Even know with the Power video by Kanye West alot of people are saying there are free mason symbols, but has anybody ever stopped to listen to the words of the song and correlate it with the video itself (No I didn't think so). And let me not forget that the music video consists of different paintings that had particular representations to the message he was trying to convey. But yet many of us are so quick to be suckered in by what any self righteous youtuber or conspiracy theorist is willing to say. Sometimes I feel for such a technological generation we are a bunch of heediots, because lets put into consideration that this may be all a distraction, so that when our government officials are doing reckless shit we are too distracted by trivial nonsense that we are not seeing what the real problem is. Some people need to read up on Karl Marx and his Manifesto as well as to read George Orwell's 1984 instead of crediting youtube videos and ridiculous sites as credible information.
To wrap up this post I would like to end of by saying that this type of irrational thinking is not good because you can not believe any and everything you hear or see, with everything you have to take it with a grain of salt. This is exactly like the salem witch hunts back in the day people would be accused of being a witch (whether it was true or not) and then would be burned at the stake or if the accused were able to get away they would obviously have to leave town. This is soo dangerous in the means that nobody is safe and unless someone is willing to try and think for themselves this shit will never end. Shoot me for being so optimistic, but I don't think anything is virtually evil but I do believe everything is a vessel therefore depending on how it is used is what will make the difference.
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