Finally I can post my blogs properly because really and truly those fake nails were a bit of a hinderance!
Anywho I know this is late but whatever, I would like to say Merry Christmas, I know it's a non-politically correct, but when it comes to my faith I am trying not to compromise. Not saying that I am holier than thou, but I am trying to be a better Christian everyday. I think over the years we have all lost sight as to what Christmas is, it's even gotten ridiculous to the point it is shortened into "xmas". I'm not going to go into a preach but I think that we all need to understand that Christmas is not just about buying gifts but it's about being with your family and remembering that Christ or whoever your God is still lingers. Many of times we do forget that all though it's nice to get gifts and all but you should be grateful that people were thinking of you, because like as soon as people here they are gone. So that's my rant on Christmas
Well as you know this year has been quite exciting because I started offering my opinion on things on facebook and making notes and now I have a blog. Honestly my blog has really brought me some oppourtunities and to tell you the truth I never thought that my blog would ever be read or actually make a difference, but like New Years out with the old and in with the new. So I will not be using blogspot anymore because I feel that I should build a website where everybody can feel that they can offer their opinions without having to use a membership, I would like to thank everybody has helped me, guided me, and supported me this year. I'm not gonna say 2010 is my year, but this coming new year is just going to be more grind for me to be a better person and do better at my craft. All the best to everyone this coming New Years and remember that when it's all said and done and the smoke settles you are the one that has to stand alone.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Everybody Hates Chris (no pun intended)
Well I am back again with other topic at hand. . .
So I picked up the first "re-birth" copy of Vibe magazine that features Toronto's own Drake a.k.a. Drizzy Drake Rogers b.k.a. Wheelchair Jimmy LOL and Chris Brown a.k.a. Chris Breezy. Both interviews with both guys were really good but I wanted to put more of a focus on Chris Brown. Well as you all know many of us have been in constant debate over the incident earlier this year in February, not going to go into it because I think everybody has a clue and if you don't you clearly have been living under a rock. Anywho before Chris Brown (Mechanical Dummy on twitter) closed down his twitter page, and for good reason but I think it was long overdue. Personally I feel that his twitter was what made people either still love or hate him. In my opinion I think some of earlier tweets made him look like a jackass but that's either here nor there. In the case of him closing down his twitter page it happened after he was getting upset that his Graffiti album was not being sold at major stores or music stores and went on a crazy rant, then left twitter.
All I have to say is that clearly his PR team do not like him because if this wasn't the case why would they allow him to have a twitter account at such a trying time in his life. Like I don't understand what the point was because all it did was honestly make him look ridiculous at times, even earlier when he would tweet things about not being a bad person and what not, he doesn't have to do that all he has to do is prove it through his actions. Let me tell you his actions aren't getting him anywhere far, and no I wont be talking about the jetskiing because homeboy needs to have fun regardless he's still a young buck. But one of his actions that I found really disturbing was when he was rating girls, not to say that it is a horrible thing but let's be real here you know that there are some questions that you shouldn't be entertaining just because of what had happened 11 months ago. I think because of the situation that he had gotten himself into he would've played cool with answering stupid questions. Not to say that he is a horrible person because I stand behind my comment when I say he is NOT A WOMAN BEATER people make mistakes and that's how it goes sometimes. But honestly don't be a dumb, people aren't naturally stupid, but people make shitty decisions and then when it back fires you are looking like someone with egg on your face asking, "how did that happen?" *smh*
All I have to say is that I am not condemning the man but he really needs to really look at his so-called PR team and make the necessary changes that need to be done just so that we can see his career move the way it should, and that's in a positive manner. It's about to be a new year so he needs rid the people that are not trying to help him succeed. Christopher Maurice Brown is too talented for his career to suffer because of a mistake because last time I checked we are not God therefore we cannot judge. Best of luck and I hop 2010 treats you differently!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
War With The Matters of The Heart
This Is Inspired By Sade, "Soldier of Love"
"I've lost the use of my heart/But I'm still alive"
My Heart Beats But Why Do I Still Feel Dead
I Have A Voice, But I Cannot Speak
I Want Goals, But Have No Aim
Oh Love That Silly Game
What A Gamble, What A Chance I Took
Your Aura Still Lingers In My Soul
You Are The Addiction I Can't Say No
I Am A Woman Scorned && You Are A Man Gone
This Soldier of Love Is Down With Your One Shot
I think we have all have that relationship(s) that still resonates with us or had that relationship(s) that seemed so fruitful, that ended up going away to rot. We are all soldiers of love. Why? Because we all have been hurt and we put on armor to protect ourselves, so we don't have to deal with it's effects or put up a wall where we won't let anyone get close. We hide in the trenches, but there are times when we need to go to the front line and fight because armor can only do so much and fear will get you no where. That's why when many of us have been hurt we taint many of our new relationships that we go into, physical scars heal or sometimes go away, emotional scars linger unless dealt with, when not dealt with it, it tends the rule our every step. Many of us try to think that we are over alot of things especially when it deals with the matters of the heart. That's why many of us lose many battles because many of us don't figure out why the first one didn't work out therefore shooting at every opportunity. This is a salute to the brokenhearted and the ones that have found love, there are many battles to come but there is war that needs to be won!
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
"I've lost the use of my heart/But I'm still alive"
My Heart Beats But Why Do I Still Feel Dead
I Have A Voice, But I Cannot Speak
I Want Goals, But Have No Aim
Oh Love That Silly Game
What A Gamble, What A Chance I Took
Your Aura Still Lingers In My Soul
You Are The Addiction I Can't Say No
I Am A Woman Scorned && You Are A Man Gone
This Soldier of Love Is Down With Your One Shot
I think we have all have that relationship(s) that still resonates with us or had that relationship(s) that seemed so fruitful, that ended up going away to rot. We are all soldiers of love. Why? Because we all have been hurt and we put on armor to protect ourselves, so we don't have to deal with it's effects or put up a wall where we won't let anyone get close. We hide in the trenches, but there are times when we need to go to the front line and fight because armor can only do so much and fear will get you no where. That's why when many of us have been hurt we taint many of our new relationships that we go into, physical scars heal or sometimes go away, emotional scars linger unless dealt with, when not dealt with it, it tends the rule our every step. Many of us try to think that we are over alot of things especially when it deals with the matters of the heart. That's why many of us lose many battles because many of us don't figure out why the first one didn't work out therefore shooting at every opportunity. This is a salute to the brokenhearted and the ones that have found love, there are many battles to come but there is war that needs to be won!
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
Sade Is Back
ThoseGirlsRWild have already done a post on Sade but I have to co-sign and say that I am glad that this woman is back. Other than Amy Winehouse, Keyshia Cole, Adele, and Mary J. Blige, Sade has been the one musician that I can always listen to especially when I am going through some rough patches in my life. I don't think there is a women of this contemporary generation that compares to what she brings. Although her music is painfully depressing whether she is talking about being in love or dealing with break up, it's her voice that shakes the soul. And in a really crazy way speaks to the human condition, I never realized how touching this woman can be until I heard my older brother bump Sade (and he hates female singers). I thought she only spoke to women but clearly men have a soft spot for her. I would like to thank my mom and my aunties marylyn and carolyn for raising me on her music. So here goes her new single: Soldier of Love and the C.D. by the same title will be out Feburary 8th 2010.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hold That Thought Before You Blog: Tila Tequila v. Rihanna
I don't even know why I am talking about this but whatever I'm jus going to shed a little bit of light on the situation. So I have twitter and seriously the nonsense that goes on, on that site is ridiculous but the majority of the time entertaining. But one day in particular I was a bit disturbed by a particular "beef" that was going on between Tila and RiRi on some real shit you can't consider that real beef, it's just someone offering their opinion of who they don't like. Apparently Rihanna had went on Big Boy's Neighbourhood radio show and said if there was one person she could mute she would mute Tequila and before even saying that she said she doesn't like people talking about her that don't know her. Rihanna said she doesn't know her like that she said she saw her at the AMAs one year or some award show and she had a drink in her hand. Tila saw this obviously got irrate and decided to write (I think) was a very demeaning blog about Rihanna, I am a Rihanna fan so for me there is some bias, but I have a few things to point out:
--sometimes people need to learn how to listen not hear, Rihanna didn't imply that Tila drinks alcohol she simply said that she saw her with a drink in her hand.
--second, I think we are all entitled to our own opinion, so can someone please explain to me when it became ok to attack someone that might not like you, because face it there are people in the world that you are not going to like
But the biggest part that had me completely irate about the whole thing was: HOW DARE YOU PUT SOMEONE'S SEXUAL TRANSMITTED DISEASE OUT THERE? Whether or not it is true it's not that point at theend of the day we are all human and because of someone having an opinion of whether or not they like you, you will take something like this and turn it into a public sphere. The reason why this had me up at arms was because of the fact that I am currently working as a PR assistant with Cure Canada and they deal with AIDS/HIV and STDs/STIs, homelessness, refugees, etc and for Tila to do something like that is so inhumane its quite ridiculous. To shed some light and put this whole thing in perspective think about it this way, in African village if a woman is raped or has HIV/AIDS and the village finds out she is ridiculed, unfit to be married, and in some cases murdered. Yes a bit extreme, but think about it, Tila is trying to make what she said about Rihanna having HERPES on such a public scale excusable when in reality it's not. Whether or not it's true is not the point, but it shows one's character! If I can't say I don't like someone for some type of reason out of fear that they will tell someone else something about me that I don't want to tell anybody about me, then something is wrong with the world.
But if I have to make Tila and her army understand let's bring about another example on your blog you talked about being able to come out and say that you are lesbian, let's say if you were struggling with your sexuality and were confused and someone caught wind of it and because you said something about them they decided to out you and believe me honey if you were in certain places in Africa homosexuality can get you killed. Well I don't know what to say because it's things like this that make me say females in general have lost their ever loving mind and doing things like this won't ever have us come out on top.
Don't take this blog entry as me trying to defend Rihanna because it is not about her it's about thinking before you blog something because for all Tila might know she might have lost a fan because of that tirade she had. Not to say that Ri Ri should have known better there is something called decorum. Another true example of when keeping it real goes wrong.
P.S.: Tila my father has cold sores that show up on his lip and so does my little brother, but everybody else in my family doesn't have it. So thanks for acting like any type of Herpes is a shameful thing to have without shedding the proper knowledge of what it is.
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Investment Into The Future

Hello people it's me once again coming to drop gems. . .
Right now it's 6:35pm I should be studying but I feel that I have something very important to say. Last night I was on twitter during my study break cussing about exams and Izabela of CreamWorld Magazine said "don't eff exams it's an investment into the future" and the conversation got more in depth about taking steps into the future. Not to mention I was talking to my little cuz last night helping her with trying to make some good decisions in terms of school. Then I got ta thinking, hmmm maybe everything that I have done so far is an investment to the future, even like little things like making friends with Malayika (check out her blog too) who has been one of THE greatest mentors, going to Shannon's book launch for Laid (which I recommend everybody get), to even joining twitter and talking to Izabela because of these actions I have furthered myself into going into mu career of choice. I can't lie there are even times when I doubt myself or question even why I do this blog, but it's that investment into the future that keeps me going. Going to school, going on twitter, facebook, going to industry parties are some of the little things that are being put into making my dreams come true.

Another example of this would be Marlon Palmer(check out his blog) and Laith Hakeem both of them are good friends of my best friend Ms. Douce and they both were in the VJ Search they both probably had all the enthusiasm in the world but to be in the top 4 and top 3 it was probably a crazy experience although neither of them won for the masses they feel well that's the end of the road. But really it's an investment into their future from having the exposure that they have had and having as much fans as they have the sky's the limits for these two guys. In a way they are an inspiration because it shows what dreams mixed with hard work and determination can do.

So to another example of this would be Miss Mary(visit her blog as well), she did my photoshoot back in September and til this day I am still in love with the photos that she took. I remember even meeting her I was like wow she is really cool but besides that she is someone that is determined and trying to get herself out there which I know will happen going from New York City to Egypt, just looking at her photos you know she has the qualities to be something really big and her photos mirror her investment into the future, whether or not she is with a team or she is by herself.
So before I go I would like to say that many of times it seems to hard to really put dreams into a reality but sometimes if you want something bad enough you will go through every avenue to get that, and that's where the investment begins. Life is like a bank and things can all change depending on what type of bank account you have and wen you deposit different things into an investment plan you will reap the benefits!
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