Saturday, December 26, 2009

Everybody Hates Chris (no pun intended)

Well I am back again with other topic at hand. . .

So I picked up the first "re-birth" copy of Vibe magazine that features Toronto's own Drake a.k.a. Drizzy Drake Rogers b.k.a. Wheelchair Jimmy LOL and Chris Brown a.k.a. Chris Breezy. Both interviews with both guys were really good but I wanted to put more of a focus on Chris Brown. Well as you all know many of us have been in constant debate over the incident earlier this year in February, not going to go into it because I think everybody has a clue and if you don't you clearly have been living under a rock. Anywho before Chris Brown (Mechanical Dummy on twitter) closed down his twitter page, and for good reason but I think it was long overdue. Personally I feel that his twitter was what made people either still love or hate him. In my opinion I think some of earlier tweets made him look like a jackass but that's either here nor there. In the case of him closing down his twitter page it happened after he was getting upset that his Graffiti album was not being sold at major stores or music stores and went on a crazy rant, then left twitter.

All I have to say is that clearly his PR team do not like him because if this wasn't the case why would they allow him to have a twitter account at such a trying time in his life. Like I don't understand what the point was because all it did was honestly make him look ridiculous at times, even earlier when he would tweet things about not being a bad person and what not, he doesn't have to do that all he has to do is prove it through his actions. Let me tell you his actions aren't getting him anywhere far, and no I wont be talking about the jetskiing because homeboy needs to have fun regardless he's still a young buck. But one of his actions that I found really disturbing was when he was rating girls, not to say that it is a horrible thing but let's be real here you know that there are some questions that you shouldn't be entertaining just because of what had happened 11 months ago. I think because of the situation that he had gotten himself into he would've played cool with answering stupid questions. Not to say that he is a horrible person because I stand behind my comment when I say he is NOT A WOMAN BEATER people make mistakes and that's how it goes sometimes. But honestly don't be a dumb, people aren't naturally stupid, but people make shitty decisions and then when it back fires you are looking like someone with egg on your face asking, "how did that happen?" *smh*

All I have to say is that I am not condemning the man but he really needs to really look at his so-called PR team and make the necessary changes that need to be done just so that we can see his career move the way it should, and that's in a positive manner. It's about to be a new year so he needs rid the people that are not trying to help him succeed. Christopher Maurice Brown is too talented for his career to suffer because of a mistake because last time I checked we are not God therefore we cannot judge. Best of luck and I hop 2010 treats you differently!

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