Yes I feel good right now, ok I'm lying I'm actually in the dumps but whatever it doesnt stop me from doing what I do best which is. . .well I don't know right now I haven't been on this thing in so long. I'm telling you factory life will FUCK your social/personal life up. But let me get on to the shit that matters. . .
Ok if some of y'all know me, everybody knows that I DON'T take alot of shit seriously, but if there is anything that I do take remotely seriously is my look and how I wear clothes and even so sometimes its a given. But with all these new trends I think it's making people a little bit crazy these days and making it a BIG DEAL to keep up the with trends and designer names. I must admit I fall victim to that shit some of the time because growing up all I WORE were designer brands. As I'm getting older I still like brands but I am starting to realize that it's not all about the brand it's about how you present yourself. This is why I appreciate those who make the fashion and not let the fashion make them. Cuz honestly alot of people are making shit hard for themselves by always tryna keep up with all the gear coming out, like FUCK it's not that big of a deal, YOU as a person make it that big of a deal. Even something as putting on a white tee and some jeans with a pair of kicks has turned into a life or death task. Not to mention people are starting to think they are better than someone because they are a following a trend. Newsflash motherfucker you are FOLLOWING you are not a leader, therefore don't act like you are king shit because you have some levis skinnies on with a plaid shirt and basic coloured vans. WACK! That's why I respect those that switch it up, and i respect those that still stay with that hood shit even because they are being TRUE to themselves. As opposed to some of you mindless weirdos who think you have hit the big time when you can afford some nudies (rolls eyes til they get stuck). Not to mention I fuckin hate it when mans yes I said MANS have the audacity to talk about a next man's gear and talking about his shit from head to toe. I got three questions for you:
1.Are you serious?
2.Why are are you staring at a next man so hard?
3.Are you effin GAY?
I effin hate that shit who died and called your ass Andre Leon Talley or Versace of this shit relax there bud. Like in my opinion it's either you know how to dress or you don't it shouldn't be hard work!
But you know what I'm guilty of following trends but at least when I do it I take it to another level because you know what I have to put my own little spin on shit. This is how I know that in some ways I have been a trendsetter, I was not the biggest fan of urban brands, why? Because I was always too skinny to fit in them. So me I was a hollister and abercrombie fan (which I am to this day) because the shit fits and honestly I am a white kid at heart. I use to get made fun of all the time for wearing that shit even wen I was doin it up with the combat boots with pantyhose tube socks and a floral dress with a jeans jacket when I was a kid. I was the black kid that made NOOOOOO sense but as I look back on it, I'm glad I was always different because you know what now I appreciate it. I've alwaysz been into shit that's weird, even the first time I ever wore a plaid shirt back in gr.11 wen they weren't cool i was made fun of. Don't read this section and think that I'm tryna make myself look good, because that's not the point what I'm tryna show you is the shit that might b old that's in your closet might be the shit that will set you apart from the rest. That's also another reason why I LOVEEEEEEE being African more specifically Ghanaian. There is so much appreciation for fabric and different type of textiles that makes fashion and style for me more free. So yes people I am not limited to a pair of skinnies with a plaid shirt.
So what I would like to say is that many of us are spending 50-60 bucks on American Apparel sweaters to keep up with the pack, when we can be taking that money to other places where we can be either being making clothes of our own or going to a thrift store to find some shit that can have us the center of attention because we are able to go there and nobody else, separate yourself from the pack. This is a shout out to those who keep it real funky with themselves and know what it is, it's not about the fashion or the trend it's about the way you present yourself.
Specially dedicated to many of the fashion leaders and you know who you are. . .
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