Ok I said I wouldn't be back until November but I had to address this ASAP, like Beanie is taking shots at Jay-Z I knew it was only a matter of time til something like this happened. I know many people are going to be like 'o Sieg is just mad because Jay is gettin gwop' or 'Sieg should've said something from now' well I disagree with all those comments. One, because I feel that people throw the word 'hatin' and 'mad' like water so it has no relevance to me anymore and second, nobody knows the whole reasoning behind Sieg's diss, (personally it's not a diss, dumb ppl like to hype up something like its beef when it really aint) because the demise of the whole Rocafella has always been skecthy in my opinion and now with these conspiracy talks I'm starting to really look at Jay a certain way. Anywho this is going to be the subject of conversation for the next couple of days maybe weeks even months because let's face it every time someone tried to get at Jay Siegel was the enforcer (hence the name broadstreet bully). And not to long ago even 50 mentioned it in an interview about Jay not being able to fight his own battles that's why people are way too comfortable around him. For once I actually agree with dude! That usually never happens.
So if it is the case that Siegel use to fight all of Jay's battles this is one call that Jigga is going to have to answer. This is not about who is a better lyricist but it's about credibility and the assassination of character, this is beyond trying to prove who is better than who. I don't know what Jay was thinking, because if it's a true story he was fuckin mans over, I don't know how he didn't expect it coming (personally I thought it would've been sooner but meh). I guess some things in life jus have their timing and this was the time that people like Jay were slowly going to get exposed. I don't know it's a whole bunch of speculation because this is just one record and its styll fresh, so there is no telling where this could go. But if I were Jay I would be very wary about all the things I do. The funny thing is when Dame was calling Jay a shady human being nobody believed him because his dumbass talked to much, now that Sieg is saying it it's startin to have some merit. As I continue to think about it I wonder what is going to come about will Jay say something will Jay send Bleek to get at Sieg or J.Cole or somebody? Hmmm we will see how those work out because one Bleek doesn't want to be in Jay's "shadow" therefor if he were to hop on a track and say something to Sieg with put a hole into what he is trying to do. J.Cole is quite fresh so if he doesnt want any issues he will jus allow the whole thing and let Jay handle it
In conclusion all I have to say is this, this is not a diss record to test rhyme skills or better metaphors, these are people lives. Like something can be said and everything will change a situation completely, but I don't know I would like to see how it turns out because this is going to be quite interesting to see on the reals. So if you are wondering who am I riding for I say Sieg, not because he is the underdog but because u can tell although he is pissed as all heck, he is a man scorn because he thought he could trust his friends but the sad truth is when money gets in the way and people get to big for their bridges they tend to get out of control and not remember who they use to be or what they wanted to be.
So Like Rick Ross' Album Says This Is DEEPER THAN RAP
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