Well I am not done for the night I think I suffer from insomnia but whatever it is the life of a University student ugh! But I have some more things to write. . .
I think about a week ago I went to a book launch party for a book called Laid that was composed and edited by a girl named Shannon Boodram. To tell you the truth the reason why I even knew about this book was because I was facebook creeping and I came across the event page and decided to check it out. When I went to the event page and I saw the website for the book, that's when I realized that this was something big plus Kim Davis was performing and Tika Simone was hosting so you know I was interested. So during that time I found about the event I started reading the blog for the book and I was intrigues. Now let's fast forward to the book launch. For those who were there I think we can all agree that it was an A-MAZ-ING night just wonderful plus food and entry was free, who could pass up? Now mind you at this point I haven't read the book, but from reading the blog and listening to excerpts that were being read by different contributors in the book at the party I was sooo excited to see what this book entailed.
Well since I was broke (momentarily) my big sis Steph B (love you mama) decided to buy the book for me with the promise that I would pass it on to others. So of course I agreed but I think at that moment I still didn't understand the magnitude of the book. So she bought my book and I got it signed by shannon herself (tehehehehe) and as sooon as I got home I began to read it and this is my verdict:
IT IS THE MOST INTRIGUING, INFORMATIONAL, EDUCATIONAL, AND RELATABLE book on SEX, yes the book is about SEX, that I have ever read in my whole ENTIRE life (but then again I have only been living for 19 years). Honestly, this book is so well rounded because not only does it deal with trying to educate many people about the ups and downs of sex but it takes it from a relatable standpoint. I know you are probably reading this and saying wtf when I say relatable, well let me tell you this book is not wholey written by Shannon but this book contains stories from many different people in North America that deal with so many aspects of sex. It talks about the dangers of having unprotected sex, hookups, abstinence and virginity, rape and abuse, and even the good things about sex and how it can bring some type of emotional glee if gone about it in the right way. ALL of these stories are true accounts from many people between the ages of 18-25 (including Shannnon) all over North Americ. The reason why I love this book so much is that many of these stories don't take on the role of being a "cautionary tale" or what have you, but brings you into the person's world and allows you to draw your own conclusions.
Another great aspect of this book is that after each chapter there is a Q&A not only with Shannon but with some of the other participants in the book about that chapter and there are little activities that give you a chance to channel your own experiences. I personally think think that this book needs to be implemented into many highschools and middle schools and probably universities and colleges because I feel that we need to educate ourselves on sex and stop treating it either like a glamorous life or being hush hush about it because even though there are many contraceptives and educational facts it's still not doing enough to help bring down the statistics of rape, pregnancies, and STDs. Also because there are not enough people sharing their thoughts and experiences with the younger generation or even our friends we are still being caught in a vicious cycle where we think we know but have no idea.
To say that this book is going to be the answer to alot of the problems sex can bring upon the youth would be a far stretch but I think with this book being out there it brings about an open conversation where curiosity can be embraced instead of being quieted and good information can be passed along to those who don't know but are too afraid to ask. This book right here can probably stop alot of heartache and bad decisions because some of the mistakes have already been done so there is no need for another person to go through it but at the same time it can also show the good qualities of sex and learning how to say no even when it gets tough. But most importantly having respect not only for yourself and your body, but for your sexuality as well.
This Book Can Be Bought At Chapters and I think it is $20.00, so pick yourself up a copy because this book will make you cry, laugh, happy, and scared but at the same time will educate you

Thank You Shannon For Being Brave :)
P.S.:It's not everyday a woman releases a book about sexuality, especially a women of bi-racial background !
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought! (Read The Book As Well)
Not only do you have my most favourite song on here: I'll be Around... BUT you have written one of the most amazing reviews. Not b/c u loved the book (which is great) but because you understood it! You saw it's goals, delivery and intentions. That in itself takes a mature, well-rounded thinker. I'm glad this book found it's way to you, you seem like a level-headed person who probably knew half of what it taught but you also seem like the person all of your friends go to for advice. So I know you will take the lessons of this book and put it in the right hands.
ReplyDeleteThat's so comforting.
thank you
xo Shannon from ThoseGirlsAreWild.com :)
Oh kay part II your playlist is nuts:
ReplyDeleteNas, you're the man (fav Nas song and I'm a Nas fan!!!)
Jeezy, Go Crazy (fav Jeezy song)
Phone Tap!!!!! (I know the whole damn song)
Scar Tissue!!
and then u stole my heart with the spinners and RELAX!
wow xo
Honestly Shannon I want to say thank you. And Honestly one day I hope I can get a chance to interview you and what not. You are an inspiration nd I am glad that you loved my review just as much as I loved your book.
ReplyDeletethank you for the compliment on the playlist I am such a music head so im glad u loved it! :) I hope you come back to my blog more interesting stuff to come