This is a special blog because I didn't even really intend to do this blog but I felt it was a must.
Kanye West embarassed the shit out of Taylor Swift and made Beyonce look extremely horrible. Taylor sold more records than Kanye & Beyonce this year. Single Ladies is not the best video nor was it innovative because the whole concept is taken from a '50s dance and has reminisce of Destiny's Child. Taylor Swift won Best Female Video of The Year and Beyonce won the biggest prize of the night Video of The Year.
This is what I don't get there are the Kanye stans that keep saying that he had a point to voice his opinion. Some people are trying to compare Kanye's outburst to Simon Cowell's judging on American Idol. I hate to sound like a prick but some of you people are the DUMBEST motherfuckers I have ever seen in my whole life. So I am going to breakdown the points that u people are making and dismiss you once and for all.
People need to know that once you reach a status as a celebrity nobody is telling you to not be true to yourself because you can do that. But as someone that has common sense you need to have fuckin manners. Mannerisms get you alot of places in life, for the people that are trying to justify what Kanye was doing I will say this will you go to your job and have a stupid outburst just to prove a point. No I don't think so, no matter how much you think you are good at your job. So that point is dismissed. But there is more nothing is wrong with your voicing opinion as I am now but in life there is a time and place for everything. There is no need to act an ass when it's not necessary because not only does it make you look stupid but can also fuck with how people deal with you. But let me go a bit farther into that night, Kanye had a bottle of Hennessey in his hand arriving to the award show and somebody couldnt tell me nothing was wrong with it? Don't give me that bullshit bout 'he's jus doing him' that is a load of CRAP. All he was doing was feeding into a black stereotype and on the part of Kanye, he is better than that and he knows it. He wasn't raised to be ghetto, he was raised to act a certain manner because unlike alot of these rappers he had a chance to pursue education but decided to drop out to chase his dreams. For someone like Kanye who has been through alot (car accident, mother's death, broken engagement) you would think he would act like he appreciates everything but he acts like he's King Kong of this shit, he is turning into an ungrateful motherfucker.
For my boy Kosi (yes nigga I'm calling you out)that tried to compare the antics of Simon Cowell to Kanye's fuckery. Well how can you compare someone that is judging up and coming talent and it says so in his contract to someone that jumps on stage and steals someone's moment of glory from them. In American Idol contestants go there knowing that there are harsh things that are going to be said, but, at an award show when you win an award you are suppose to enjoy your moment and be glad that amongst your peers you got considered. This is why I say that what Kanye did was absolutely WRONG. When you are 19 years old and you have been grinding since you were kid, playing your own instruments and writing your own songs, an award would mean so much to you because the loss of having a normal life seems all worth it because someone recognizes your hard work. So for someone of Kanye's celebrity (and age difference) to come on stage and downgrade your shit is such an immature move.
Yes, Beyonce gave Taylor back her moment when Beyonce won video of the year, but it still doesn't change the fact that Kanye took a special moment from her that she will never get back. So these Kanye fans that are sitting back saying what he did was right I wish someone would come and steal Kanye's shine when he is trying to accept an award and I would LOVE to say what you people say. But enough about Kanye & Swift because everybody is missing the bigger picture the VMAs were dedicated to Michael Jackson not a night for publicity stunts, it was dedicate to Michael Jackson and his accomplishments. If it wasn't for Michael being the first black man to have their video premiere on MTV people like Kanye wouldn't enjoy the success they have now. When Thriller aired about 25 years ago Micheal opened up so many doors and brought about a bright future for black entertainers, Kanye's coonish behaviour not only in front of his peers but Michael's family felt like he set back black entertainers 25 years.
Kanye showed a lack of respect point blank period and people need to stop letting him get by with actions like this. Ignorance is never bliss it just causes more confusion and prejudice.
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