Finally I can post my blogs properly because really and truly those fake nails were a bit of a hinderance!
Anywho I know this is late but whatever, I would like to say Merry Christmas, I know it's a non-politically correct, but when it comes to my faith I am trying not to compromise. Not saying that I am holier than thou, but I am trying to be a better Christian everyday. I think over the years we have all lost sight as to what Christmas is, it's even gotten ridiculous to the point it is shortened into "xmas". I'm not going to go into a preach but I think that we all need to understand that Christmas is not just about buying gifts but it's about being with your family and remembering that Christ or whoever your God is still lingers. Many of times we do forget that all though it's nice to get gifts and all but you should be grateful that people were thinking of you, because like as soon as people here they are gone. So that's my rant on Christmas
Well as you know this year has been quite exciting because I started offering my opinion on things on facebook and making notes and now I have a blog. Honestly my blog has really brought me some oppourtunities and to tell you the truth I never thought that my blog would ever be read or actually make a difference, but like New Years out with the old and in with the new. So I will not be using blogspot anymore because I feel that I should build a website where everybody can feel that they can offer their opinions without having to use a membership, I would like to thank everybody has helped me, guided me, and supported me this year. I'm not gonna say 2010 is my year, but this coming new year is just going to be more grind for me to be a better person and do better at my craft. All the best to everyone this coming New Years and remember that when it's all said and done and the smoke settles you are the one that has to stand alone.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Everybody Hates Chris (no pun intended)
Well I am back again with other topic at hand. . .
So I picked up the first "re-birth" copy of Vibe magazine that features Toronto's own Drake a.k.a. Drizzy Drake Rogers b.k.a. Wheelchair Jimmy LOL and Chris Brown a.k.a. Chris Breezy. Both interviews with both guys were really good but I wanted to put more of a focus on Chris Brown. Well as you all know many of us have been in constant debate over the incident earlier this year in February, not going to go into it because I think everybody has a clue and if you don't you clearly have been living under a rock. Anywho before Chris Brown (Mechanical Dummy on twitter) closed down his twitter page, and for good reason but I think it was long overdue. Personally I feel that his twitter was what made people either still love or hate him. In my opinion I think some of earlier tweets made him look like a jackass but that's either here nor there. In the case of him closing down his twitter page it happened after he was getting upset that his Graffiti album was not being sold at major stores or music stores and went on a crazy rant, then left twitter.
All I have to say is that clearly his PR team do not like him because if this wasn't the case why would they allow him to have a twitter account at such a trying time in his life. Like I don't understand what the point was because all it did was honestly make him look ridiculous at times, even earlier when he would tweet things about not being a bad person and what not, he doesn't have to do that all he has to do is prove it through his actions. Let me tell you his actions aren't getting him anywhere far, and no I wont be talking about the jetskiing because homeboy needs to have fun regardless he's still a young buck. But one of his actions that I found really disturbing was when he was rating girls, not to say that it is a horrible thing but let's be real here you know that there are some questions that you shouldn't be entertaining just because of what had happened 11 months ago. I think because of the situation that he had gotten himself into he would've played cool with answering stupid questions. Not to say that he is a horrible person because I stand behind my comment when I say he is NOT A WOMAN BEATER people make mistakes and that's how it goes sometimes. But honestly don't be a dumb, people aren't naturally stupid, but people make shitty decisions and then when it back fires you are looking like someone with egg on your face asking, "how did that happen?" *smh*
All I have to say is that I am not condemning the man but he really needs to really look at his so-called PR team and make the necessary changes that need to be done just so that we can see his career move the way it should, and that's in a positive manner. It's about to be a new year so he needs rid the people that are not trying to help him succeed. Christopher Maurice Brown is too talented for his career to suffer because of a mistake because last time I checked we are not God therefore we cannot judge. Best of luck and I hop 2010 treats you differently!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
War With The Matters of The Heart
This Is Inspired By Sade, "Soldier of Love"
"I've lost the use of my heart/But I'm still alive"
My Heart Beats But Why Do I Still Feel Dead
I Have A Voice, But I Cannot Speak
I Want Goals, But Have No Aim
Oh Love That Silly Game
What A Gamble, What A Chance I Took
Your Aura Still Lingers In My Soul
You Are The Addiction I Can't Say No
I Am A Woman Scorned && You Are A Man Gone
This Soldier of Love Is Down With Your One Shot
I think we have all have that relationship(s) that still resonates with us or had that relationship(s) that seemed so fruitful, that ended up going away to rot. We are all soldiers of love. Why? Because we all have been hurt and we put on armor to protect ourselves, so we don't have to deal with it's effects or put up a wall where we won't let anyone get close. We hide in the trenches, but there are times when we need to go to the front line and fight because armor can only do so much and fear will get you no where. That's why when many of us have been hurt we taint many of our new relationships that we go into, physical scars heal or sometimes go away, emotional scars linger unless dealt with, when not dealt with it, it tends the rule our every step. Many of us try to think that we are over alot of things especially when it deals with the matters of the heart. That's why many of us lose many battles because many of us don't figure out why the first one didn't work out therefore shooting at every opportunity. This is a salute to the brokenhearted and the ones that have found love, there are many battles to come but there is war that needs to be won!
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
"I've lost the use of my heart/But I'm still alive"
My Heart Beats But Why Do I Still Feel Dead
I Have A Voice, But I Cannot Speak
I Want Goals, But Have No Aim
Oh Love That Silly Game
What A Gamble, What A Chance I Took
Your Aura Still Lingers In My Soul
You Are The Addiction I Can't Say No
I Am A Woman Scorned && You Are A Man Gone
This Soldier of Love Is Down With Your One Shot
I think we have all have that relationship(s) that still resonates with us or had that relationship(s) that seemed so fruitful, that ended up going away to rot. We are all soldiers of love. Why? Because we all have been hurt and we put on armor to protect ourselves, so we don't have to deal with it's effects or put up a wall where we won't let anyone get close. We hide in the trenches, but there are times when we need to go to the front line and fight because armor can only do so much and fear will get you no where. That's why when many of us have been hurt we taint many of our new relationships that we go into, physical scars heal or sometimes go away, emotional scars linger unless dealt with, when not dealt with it, it tends the rule our every step. Many of us try to think that we are over alot of things especially when it deals with the matters of the heart. That's why many of us lose many battles because many of us don't figure out why the first one didn't work out therefore shooting at every opportunity. This is a salute to the brokenhearted and the ones that have found love, there are many battles to come but there is war that needs to be won!
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
Sade Is Back
ThoseGirlsRWild have already done a post on Sade but I have to co-sign and say that I am glad that this woman is back. Other than Amy Winehouse, Keyshia Cole, Adele, and Mary J. Blige, Sade has been the one musician that I can always listen to especially when I am going through some rough patches in my life. I don't think there is a women of this contemporary generation that compares to what she brings. Although her music is painfully depressing whether she is talking about being in love or dealing with break up, it's her voice that shakes the soul. And in a really crazy way speaks to the human condition, I never realized how touching this woman can be until I heard my older brother bump Sade (and he hates female singers). I thought she only spoke to women but clearly men have a soft spot for her. I would like to thank my mom and my aunties marylyn and carolyn for raising me on her music. So here goes her new single: Soldier of Love and the C.D. by the same title will be out Feburary 8th 2010.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hold That Thought Before You Blog: Tila Tequila v. Rihanna
I don't even know why I am talking about this but whatever I'm jus going to shed a little bit of light on the situation. So I have twitter and seriously the nonsense that goes on, on that site is ridiculous but the majority of the time entertaining. But one day in particular I was a bit disturbed by a particular "beef" that was going on between Tila and RiRi on some real shit you can't consider that real beef, it's just someone offering their opinion of who they don't like. Apparently Rihanna had went on Big Boy's Neighbourhood radio show and said if there was one person she could mute she would mute Tequila and before even saying that she said she doesn't like people talking about her that don't know her. Rihanna said she doesn't know her like that she said she saw her at the AMAs one year or some award show and she had a drink in her hand. Tila saw this obviously got irrate and decided to write (I think) was a very demeaning blog about Rihanna, I am a Rihanna fan so for me there is some bias, but I have a few things to point out:
--sometimes people need to learn how to listen not hear, Rihanna didn't imply that Tila drinks alcohol she simply said that she saw her with a drink in her hand.
--second, I think we are all entitled to our own opinion, so can someone please explain to me when it became ok to attack someone that might not like you, because face it there are people in the world that you are not going to like
But the biggest part that had me completely irate about the whole thing was: HOW DARE YOU PUT SOMEONE'S SEXUAL TRANSMITTED DISEASE OUT THERE? Whether or not it is true it's not that point at theend of the day we are all human and because of someone having an opinion of whether or not they like you, you will take something like this and turn it into a public sphere. The reason why this had me up at arms was because of the fact that I am currently working as a PR assistant with Cure Canada and they deal with AIDS/HIV and STDs/STIs, homelessness, refugees, etc and for Tila to do something like that is so inhumane its quite ridiculous. To shed some light and put this whole thing in perspective think about it this way, in African village if a woman is raped or has HIV/AIDS and the village finds out she is ridiculed, unfit to be married, and in some cases murdered. Yes a bit extreme, but think about it, Tila is trying to make what she said about Rihanna having HERPES on such a public scale excusable when in reality it's not. Whether or not it's true is not the point, but it shows one's character! If I can't say I don't like someone for some type of reason out of fear that they will tell someone else something about me that I don't want to tell anybody about me, then something is wrong with the world.
But if I have to make Tila and her army understand let's bring about another example on your blog you talked about being able to come out and say that you are lesbian, let's say if you were struggling with your sexuality and were confused and someone caught wind of it and because you said something about them they decided to out you and believe me honey if you were in certain places in Africa homosexuality can get you killed. Well I don't know what to say because it's things like this that make me say females in general have lost their ever loving mind and doing things like this won't ever have us come out on top.
Don't take this blog entry as me trying to defend Rihanna because it is not about her it's about thinking before you blog something because for all Tila might know she might have lost a fan because of that tirade she had. Not to say that Ri Ri should have known better there is something called decorum. Another true example of when keeping it real goes wrong.
P.S.: Tila my father has cold sores that show up on his lip and so does my little brother, but everybody else in my family doesn't have it. So thanks for acting like any type of Herpes is a shameful thing to have without shedding the proper knowledge of what it is.
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Investment Into The Future

Hello people it's me once again coming to drop gems. . .
Right now it's 6:35pm I should be studying but I feel that I have something very important to say. Last night I was on twitter during my study break cussing about exams and Izabela of CreamWorld Magazine said "don't eff exams it's an investment into the future" and the conversation got more in depth about taking steps into the future. Not to mention I was talking to my little cuz last night helping her with trying to make some good decisions in terms of school. Then I got ta thinking, hmmm maybe everything that I have done so far is an investment to the future, even like little things like making friends with Malayika (check out her blog too) who has been one of THE greatest mentors, going to Shannon's book launch for Laid (which I recommend everybody get), to even joining twitter and talking to Izabela because of these actions I have furthered myself into going into mu career of choice. I can't lie there are even times when I doubt myself or question even why I do this blog, but it's that investment into the future that keeps me going. Going to school, going on twitter, facebook, going to industry parties are some of the little things that are being put into making my dreams come true.

Another example of this would be Marlon Palmer(check out his blog) and Laith Hakeem both of them are good friends of my best friend Ms. Douce and they both were in the VJ Search they both probably had all the enthusiasm in the world but to be in the top 4 and top 3 it was probably a crazy experience although neither of them won for the masses they feel well that's the end of the road. But really it's an investment into their future from having the exposure that they have had and having as much fans as they have the sky's the limits for these two guys. In a way they are an inspiration because it shows what dreams mixed with hard work and determination can do.

So to another example of this would be Miss Mary(visit her blog as well), she did my photoshoot back in September and til this day I am still in love with the photos that she took. I remember even meeting her I was like wow she is really cool but besides that she is someone that is determined and trying to get herself out there which I know will happen going from New York City to Egypt, just looking at her photos you know she has the qualities to be something really big and her photos mirror her investment into the future, whether or not she is with a team or she is by herself.
So before I go I would like to say that many of times it seems to hard to really put dreams into a reality but sometimes if you want something bad enough you will go through every avenue to get that, and that's where the investment begins. Life is like a bank and things can all change depending on what type of bank account you have and wen you deposit different things into an investment plan you will reap the benefits!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Music Spotlight: Ladies First Edition

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Reader's Choice: Plus Size Clothing

Hello blogging world I am back and I brought a friend and her name is delicious but she also goes by Yhentl or better known as Madame Drizzy Drake Rogers (I said my name is Drizzy and ain't nobody realer). So we are in the library and we are talking about the dress that she wants to wear to her cousin's wedding but she doesn't know if it will fit because it never does. Hence the discussion why are plus sized clothing not for plus sized people.
This is what Yhentl says: How is it that these people are making clothes for plus sized people and yet, my breast can't fit in it?? What kinda plus size woman has no breasts...COME ON!!!
This Is What I Say: Well I know I am skinny and probably dont have any business talking about this. Cuz according to Monique skinny bitches are evil, but I think I can make an informed opinion. Well I think sometimes many designers make plus sized clothing because they have to not because they want to. Sometimes I think they feel it is a burden, but I think we seem to forget that women come in all shapes and sizes, and forgot that just because they are heavier set doesn't mean that they are obese. It's just how they are suppose to look and that's how God made them. Like really and truly black women in general are usually well endowed so make sure that clothing is made to fit every body type.
Last Comments by Yhentl: make some clothes that fit thanks :) and this goes out to ALLLL clothing companies...make clothes that actually FIT people; big or small. You're not making clothing for models, you're making clothes for ACTUAL PEOPLE; people with a size 10 hip and a thick thigh :) that's all folks
Hey my grrl Yhentl said it all ! Style shouldn't have to depend on how ur body is shaped we all need to look beautiful all the time
P.S.: I Love Dove!
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Only The Strong Survive

Well I Am Back And It's The First Week of The Month :)
I'm at a time in my life where I can say that I have made some good and bad decisions and I have had some failure and triumphs. At this moment though, I feel sometimes it will never pay off but there is that drive in me that says to just take it one day at a time. I look at so many people that are doing their thing and tryin to do what makes them happy. I think somewhere along the line I forgot what makes me happy and to tell you the truth I think I know but I still have doubts. But like I say ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE I feel as if I want something bad enough I will get it regardless because I would have put in work. Life I think is too short to be trying to please everyone or taking the safe route. We all need to chase our dreams and aim higher than other people's expectations or even your own. We all need to take some risks in order to figure out what it is in life we want. And believe me as I write this shit, I feel like I'm half assing it because I know today I will feel strong, but tomorrow I will be feeling down on myself. But it's life and there is nothing I can do about it. So the way I see it is that it all takes one day and one step at a time to reach that confidence. So end this by saying that at the end of the day you pick your own destiny and you are responsible for yourself. But always remember to have humility and keep the faith in the man upstairs, because even when people doubt you he will be your number 1 fan. Only the strong survive so be ready to walk this plank called life!
Speak Your Mind But Hold That Thought
Friday, October 30, 2009
You Can Lie To The Ppl Sometimes, But You Can't Lie To Them All The Time

Ok I said I wouldn't be back until November but I had to address this ASAP, like Beanie is taking shots at Jay-Z I knew it was only a matter of time til something like this happened. I know many people are going to be like 'o Sieg is just mad because Jay is gettin gwop' or 'Sieg should've said something from now' well I disagree with all those comments. One, because I feel that people throw the word 'hatin' and 'mad' like water so it has no relevance to me anymore and second, nobody knows the whole reasoning behind Sieg's diss, (personally it's not a diss, dumb ppl like to hype up something like its beef when it really aint) because the demise of the whole Rocafella has always been skecthy in my opinion and now with these conspiracy talks I'm starting to really look at Jay a certain way. Anywho this is going to be the subject of conversation for the next couple of days maybe weeks even months because let's face it every time someone tried to get at Jay Siegel was the enforcer (hence the name broadstreet bully). And not to long ago even 50 mentioned it in an interview about Jay not being able to fight his own battles that's why people are way too comfortable around him. For once I actually agree with dude! That usually never happens.
So if it is the case that Siegel use to fight all of Jay's battles this is one call that Jigga is going to have to answer. This is not about who is a better lyricist but it's about credibility and the assassination of character, this is beyond trying to prove who is better than who. I don't know what Jay was thinking, because if it's a true story he was fuckin mans over, I don't know how he didn't expect it coming (personally I thought it would've been sooner but meh). I guess some things in life jus have their timing and this was the time that people like Jay were slowly going to get exposed. I don't know it's a whole bunch of speculation because this is just one record and its styll fresh, so there is no telling where this could go. But if I were Jay I would be very wary about all the things I do. The funny thing is when Dame was calling Jay a shady human being nobody believed him because his dumbass talked to much, now that Sieg is saying it it's startin to have some merit. As I continue to think about it I wonder what is going to come about will Jay say something will Jay send Bleek to get at Sieg or J.Cole or somebody? Hmmm we will see how those work out because one Bleek doesn't want to be in Jay's "shadow" therefor if he were to hop on a track and say something to Sieg with put a hole into what he is trying to do. J.Cole is quite fresh so if he doesnt want any issues he will jus allow the whole thing and let Jay handle it
In conclusion all I have to say is this, this is not a diss record to test rhyme skills or better metaphors, these are people lives. Like something can be said and everything will change a situation completely, but I don't know I would like to see how it turns out because this is going to be quite interesting to see on the reals. So if you are wondering who am I riding for I say Sieg, not because he is the underdog but because u can tell although he is pissed as all heck, he is a man scorn because he thought he could trust his friends but the sad truth is when money gets in the way and people get to big for their bridges they tend to get out of control and not remember who they use to be or what they wanted to be.
So Like Rick Ross' Album Says This Is DEEPER THAN RAP
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Je'Torr & Beautiifash & Co.

Jeantel Torrence, what can I say about her? This girl is like my big sister, I love her to death and I am always there to support her. She resides in California and she is a young designer on the come up. I like to keep it real 100 with my blogs, so you know I am not boosting. I don't gas people's heads up nor do I hate I give praises and respects where it's due. But going on, Jeantel is very talented and you can tell through her designs in women handbags and clothing. Me personally, I feel that her designs absolutely ridic and I'm Still waiting on my handbag (wink wink free plug in LMAO) but seriously I need everybody to check out her blog and watch this girl track her success to the top, believe me to know that you were apart of someone's success is a good thing. Also check out her myspace and see some of her collections. Here are a few pics from her collection [plz don't steal her designs because if I find you I will HURT you :):

Jeantel free plug in I want my purse ASAP bahahahahahaha I joke! Get her stuff, they are really cute!
I Wanna Live In Karla's Closet

I don't know if I would call my self the most stylish person or what not but I have alot of influences around me that make me to be a stylish girl. As I said in one of my past notes, style has to be something that comes natural but at the same time a craft that kind of makes up your personality. So that is why I give it up to girls like Karla of Karla's closet. This lady is probably the most fashionable I have seen in a very long time, she inspires me to really be in search of my own style and go against the grain. She takes women's fashion to a whole 'nother level and for that I salute her. She is an everyday girl that has fashion spunk to last her for the next 50 years (i don't even know if I am exaggerating) but I feel that she is one of the best and from reading her blog she seems like a really nice person and she is quite funny. Karla can't do nooooo wrong and I stand by that comment 110%. Here goes some of my favorite picks out of her closet:

Karla if you ever see this post I would love to interview on my blog you are like the greatest! LOL [Sheesh I Sound Like A Groupie, Meh Tis Okay!]
I'm an idiot how could I forget visit her blog:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Poetry Corner: You Are The Prototype

So I just finished cleaning my room (for the most part) and I was listening to Blake Carrington's mixtape and his freestyle on the Protoype beat (Andre 3000) inspired me to write a poem this is coming off the dome so mind some of the fuckery.
Good Morning Your Breakfast Is On The Table
I Watch You As You Eat I Love Us Being Stable
When I Look Into Your Eyes I See The Truth No Fables
You Enable Me To Do Better Even Through The Stormy Weather
There Is Nothing Like You && Me Together
I Love Your Physical, I Love Your Shape
From The Your Head To Your Toes to Your Nape
I Am Intrigued By Your Eyes That See Through My Soul
And Hands So Masculine But Tender Enough To Hold
God Had Me In Mind When He Made Your Mold
Kiss My Neck, Bite My Ear
Tell Me All The Sweet Things That I Wanna Hear
Lay Me On My Back, You Can Pull My Hair
You Laugh, I Chuckle The Moment Not Erased
When You Touch Me I'm In A Different Space
I'm Intrigued By Your Mind, You Were Worth The Search
You Are The Right Find, And I Am Blessed That Your Mine
Always Coming With The Real Never With The Drama
One Day I Hope To Be Your Baby Momma, But More Your Wife
With You I Want To Spend My Life, In Total Bliss
I Don't Think It Can Get Better Than This
My Love For You, No One Can Ever Fathom
I Know Sometimes Us Together Seems Random
But I Assure You That I Will Stay Down, When No One's Around
I Am Your Girl And You Are My Man And No One Matters
I Will Be Patient And I Will Be Kind And You Will Never Be Left Behind
I Walk With You, I Breath With You, I See With You, & I Am In Love With You
You Are The Prototype, I Wanna Have Your Seed
You Are The Prototype, You Are All I Need
If This Is Heaven I Don't Wanna Come Down
You Are The Prototype I'm Glad You're Found
Dedicated To My Soulmate
Too bad this isn't real life. . .*womp womp* LOL But nonetheless love is beautiful so embrace it.
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
The Block Is Hot! Cash Money [1997-2000]
So I was on youtube last night and I was having THE most nostalgic moment ever like I was going through Cash Money Millionaire music videos like there was no tomorrow. Honestly I loved the old Cash Money they were soooo greezy! Man o Man I'm telling you the '90s were a happier time for me.
Good Times :)
Good Times :)
Artist Spotlight: Wolf J & KJ

If you know me well you know that I hate any music that comes out of toronto unless it's r&b because some rappers either don't know what they are doing or trying to fit into the American facade. I loathe that foolishness, but as of late alot of people have been putting me on to a lot of great musicians, and it made me think for a second Drake has done the one single thing that many other Toronto artists can't do shine a light on our city and have us Torontonians have some pride in our muscians. But going on I have found two great artists one by the name of Wolf J and the other by the name of KJ. So let me get into this spotlight thang :

Wolf J [Upsidedown Day] [website:]
Honestly the way I found this guy was when I was facebook creeping (I'm telling you one of these days I will be getting into trouble with my antics) he had posted a link on of my friend's pages and I decided to go check his stuff out. Well I didn't initially creep Wolf's facebook but instead I downloaded the link to his mixtape. That was probably the smartest thing I have done in a very long time because his mixtape was something serious I loved it to pieces from the production to his lyrical world play (I love metaphors after all I'm an english major) and the uber-interesting song titles (how can I forget the title of the mixtape its called Upside Down Day Tapemix [he is way too cool for school]). Some of my favourite songs on that mixtape are Cut Fab, Cufflink Tears, Wack MCs, & Backpack Dreams (if anybody understood how I LOVE this song) but nonetheless this mixtape is sooooo worth the download. Not to mention I had the great pleasure of meeting him at Shannon Boodram's book launch of Laid, very nice and humble guy and you can tell that he takes his craft seriously and appreciates the love that he gets from his fans. But before I stop I will share some tidbits about Mr. Wolf:
--he is also a videographer and a graphic designer
--he writes and he sings (clearly this man is artistically inclined)
--and this is where you can download his mixtape:

KJ [A Breath of Fresh Heir][website:]
Hmm what can I say about him other than I love him OMG this dude is the truth as well. When it comes to that old school dj primo produced boom bap rhyme flow he has it. His presentation of his flow honestly takes me back to a time in the early 90s where it meant something to have lyrical ability and it was embraced (I don't know about music now these days but that can be debated at another time). How I discovered KJ was when I was listening to Wolf's mixtape and I was like hmmm I like this dude too let me go see what he's all about. I think I facebook creeped Wolf at this point and found KJ's myspace and downloaded his mixtape from there. Once again I was not disappointed this mixtape was organic in the sense that everything seemed so natural and it seemed so right. Like when I say KJ has a mean rhyme scheme like I mean this dude puts it down when he is rapping. Not to mention superb production and a great concept (his mixtape is called A Breath of Fresh Heir, crazy play on words). But yea some of my favourite songs on that mixtape are: K Goes South, Repeat (people need to check out the remix with Slakah the Beatchild, Media Market and that's just to name a few. But like Wolf J's mixtape such a great listen. But before I end off here are som tidbits:
--he not only is a rapper but he is also a producer
--he is also into self production (so yes he produces his own music)
--he was also raised in England and relocated in Canada when he was 11
--download his mixtape:
To tell you the truth I am only scratching the surface by highlighting these two artists because there are so many homegrown artists that are out there such as: Black Carrington, Rich Kidd, Jordhanna, T.Ana Cole, Kim Davis, Brendan Phillip, Scribblez, Ace Loc a.k.a. Champion [who by the way is a good friend of mine] and the list goes on literally! I will be actually be spotlighting them real soon. But once again I suggest that everybody takes a listen to their mixtapes because they are contributing to the future of our city when it comes to music, and so far I am LOVING what I am hearing. Anywho I will be leaving you with some quotes from both artists!
"I Like Nice Things, And I Get Them Because I Can Afford Them/When I Was Your Age I Didn't Own A Pair of Jordans Ralph Lauren/I Was Out Saucing To Find The Logos/Dr. Fleas Where I Would Go So To Get My Look Alike/Kind of Like/Sort of Like/Kind of Clothes"--Media Market, KJ From The Mixtape Breath of Fresh Heir
"The Puppy Has Been Asleep And Now The Wolf Has Been Awaken/And There Is A Rumble In The Jungle/And I Can Feel The Earth Quakin"--Backpack Dreams, Wolf J From The Upsidedown Day Mixtape
Book Review: Laid Edited By Shannon Boodram

Well I am not done for the night I think I suffer from insomnia but whatever it is the life of a University student ugh! But I have some more things to write. . .
I think about a week ago I went to a book launch party for a book called Laid that was composed and edited by a girl named Shannon Boodram. To tell you the truth the reason why I even knew about this book was because I was facebook creeping and I came across the event page and decided to check it out. When I went to the event page and I saw the website for the book, that's when I realized that this was something big plus Kim Davis was performing and Tika Simone was hosting so you know I was interested. So during that time I found about the event I started reading the blog for the book and I was intrigues. Now let's fast forward to the book launch. For those who were there I think we can all agree that it was an A-MAZ-ING night just wonderful plus food and entry was free, who could pass up? Now mind you at this point I haven't read the book, but from reading the blog and listening to excerpts that were being read by different contributors in the book at the party I was sooo excited to see what this book entailed.
Well since I was broke (momentarily) my big sis Steph B (love you mama) decided to buy the book for me with the promise that I would pass it on to others. So of course I agreed but I think at that moment I still didn't understand the magnitude of the book. So she bought my book and I got it signed by shannon herself (tehehehehe) and as sooon as I got home I began to read it and this is my verdict:
IT IS THE MOST INTRIGUING, INFORMATIONAL, EDUCATIONAL, AND RELATABLE book on SEX, yes the book is about SEX, that I have ever read in my whole ENTIRE life (but then again I have only been living for 19 years). Honestly, this book is so well rounded because not only does it deal with trying to educate many people about the ups and downs of sex but it takes it from a relatable standpoint. I know you are probably reading this and saying wtf when I say relatable, well let me tell you this book is not wholey written by Shannon but this book contains stories from many different people in North America that deal with so many aspects of sex. It talks about the dangers of having unprotected sex, hookups, abstinence and virginity, rape and abuse, and even the good things about sex and how it can bring some type of emotional glee if gone about it in the right way. ALL of these stories are true accounts from many people between the ages of 18-25 (including Shannnon) all over North Americ. The reason why I love this book so much is that many of these stories don't take on the role of being a "cautionary tale" or what have you, but brings you into the person's world and allows you to draw your own conclusions.
Another great aspect of this book is that after each chapter there is a Q&A not only with Shannon but with some of the other participants in the book about that chapter and there are little activities that give you a chance to channel your own experiences. I personally think think that this book needs to be implemented into many highschools and middle schools and probably universities and colleges because I feel that we need to educate ourselves on sex and stop treating it either like a glamorous life or being hush hush about it because even though there are many contraceptives and educational facts it's still not doing enough to help bring down the statistics of rape, pregnancies, and STDs. Also because there are not enough people sharing their thoughts and experiences with the younger generation or even our friends we are still being caught in a vicious cycle where we think we know but have no idea.
To say that this book is going to be the answer to alot of the problems sex can bring upon the youth would be a far stretch but I think with this book being out there it brings about an open conversation where curiosity can be embraced instead of being quieted and good information can be passed along to those who don't know but are too afraid to ask. This book right here can probably stop alot of heartache and bad decisions because some of the mistakes have already been done so there is no need for another person to go through it but at the same time it can also show the good qualities of sex and learning how to say no even when it gets tough. But most importantly having respect not only for yourself and your body, but for your sexuality as well.
This Book Can Be Bought At Chapters and I think it is $20.00, so pick yourself up a copy because this book will make you cry, laugh, happy, and scared but at the same time will educate you

Thank You Shannon For Being Brave :)
P.S.:It's not everyday a woman releases a book about sexuality, especially a women of bi-racial background !
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought! (Read The Book As Well)
A Piece of Me

It is about 1:20 in the morning and I don't know why I am up but clearly I have some things on my mind so maybe I should discuss it on my blog and see where this note takes me:
I tend to notice that I make a lot of stupid mistakes and some of them I know I can avoid, to sit here and go through my mistakes is irrelevant but I feel that they are so I must acknowledge them. My mistakes are sometimes trivial or life altering but nonetheless they are still mistakes, and it's because of these mistakes and choices that I have decided to make has turned me into a mute at certain times. Alot of people think that I am a very opinionated girl, outspoken, very loud, or what have you. Yes in some certain circumstances they are true, but I think my big personality sometimes can be a deterrent to how I want to be seen and believe me my big mouth gets me into alot of trouble. But more recently I feel like the personality that I display is not me, but instead is a facade or a front to just cover up all the things that I am feeling. I remember starting this blog just to add a quirky opinion to things in life that either disturbed me, made me happy or probably didn't have any relevance, but as I sit here I don't know why I am even doing this blog. My confidence in myself has never been the most stable but as of recent I feel like everything is crumbling in front of my eyes. Sometimes I don't know whether or not it's because I am "nonchalant" or because I don't know how to confront my feelings, but I feel like I can't do anything and I always feel like I am stuck in one position.
I think about alot of things and most of the time I think that I will drive myself right into the mad house because I have never been able to relax. I second guess myself alot of the time and I sell myself short as well. I wish I could say that I am happy but that's a far stretch, but I can say most days I am pretty content (but that's subjective). I don't know when I have ever stopped to just enjoy life because half of the time I am too drunk or too consumed in my own shit to really have fun. My vices that I promised wouldn't consumed me has now become apart of my life, and I don't want to be that girl that has to turn to her vices for that momentary satisfaction only to have it be taken away because my problems are still there. I haven't been one to deal with my emotions or deal with things that hurt me because I keep everything to myself. Bottled up emotions are never good but I think that I am just scared of being looked at a certain way or judged but most importantly I think I just don't like to deal with things and I'm finding more often that now it's starting to mess with me alot. I feel myself drowning sometimes because its a wave of emotions that keep coming in and because I don't know how to deal with things I just keep sinking lower and lower.
I don't even know why I am writing this thing because no matter how much I write I don't think this deficiency to react or be expressive will ever happen. But I don't know this poem can sum up in a nutshell how I feel sometimes:

My Reflection
I Look In the Mirror And I See A Face
Staring Back At Me Flaws & All
Sometimes I Wish I Could Trade Its Place
And Be Trapped In The Reflection
So Someone Else Can Dictate My Direction
I Look At My Dark Skin, Brown Eyes, And Full Lips
And All I Can Obsess About Is The Wanting of More Hips
The Tone Of My Skin Being Too Dark
And Eyes So Deep & Dull They Leave No Mark
Why When I Look In The Mirror I Am Not Appeased
At The Reflection That's A Spitting Image of Me
Why Am I Scared To Approve of Myself
While, Constantly Searching Acceptance From Everyone Else
My Reflection Knows Me Better Than Anyone
Those Eyes Stare Into Mine & Touches My Soul
A Reality So Chilling To The Bone
I Am She & She Is Me
My Reflection: Who I Am & What I See
Monday, September 28, 2009
Def Jam Destroyed Hip Hop ?!

Yes yes I am back with another one and this issue I jus had to address because it made me think a certain way about hip hop. Let's get started shall we. . .
I was on today and I was just going through a bunch of videos, (you guys need to really check out the documentary about the puerto rico day sex attacks in 2000, you fellas can laern something)and I came across a video of KRS-One saying that Def Jam single-handedly destroyed hip-hop. Before everybody gets their panties in a bunch I'll break down the video,(I will provide a link at the bottom of the post)he said that although hip-hop would't be what it was today without def jam in the same breath they destroyed it. He said something that made me actually see his point he said, "Def Jam is the type of label that makes everybody sit down while they are able to do their own thing" and how most of their artists are the ones that are being played on a regular basis. I sat there and I said wow he makes a very strong argument, but I have some rebuttals.
Yes, Def Jam is the label that seems to be running hip hop but can you blame the record label. As a rapper or a singer or whatever why wouldn't you not want to be associated with one of the longest running black owned and culturally noticed hip hop label of all time. If it wasn't for Russell Simmons and Rick Ruben I doubt that hip hop/rap music would have the global power it has today. Def Jam is the pioneering record label of Death Row, Bad Boy, Rocafella , Murder inc., etc. And another fact has anybody seen the roster if the def jam label and I am not talking about now times, I am talking about between 1996-2002. And especially during the golden years of hip hop 1997 & 1998. Like let's face the facts, there was DMX Ruff Ryders, Rocafella, & Murder INC who was fuckin with them? Yes there was alot of hip hop crews during that time, but those 3 ran both radio and music video rotation. They gave the listeners what they wanted to hear and because there was a vast amount of response and in Def Jam seeing this what were they suppose to do sit back? Umm no I think they had to do what any label had to do and push their artists out on all fronts and if that meant that everybody had to be stepped on, then so be it. Another example of this is when Method Man & Redman came out with their first collabo album, Blackout, the response was good, but when Da Rockwilda came out (2 mins of gold that should've went on for longer but meh is considered a classic) it was like ok, this just isn't the roc or ruff ryders and such, def jam is THAT crew not to fuck with.
But int he same breath they have been the label that in some form has bullied other artists on different labels. When you look at it Def Jam was an ego driven label that lead to the demise of some of the greatest rap crews and severed many good relationships. I can understand as to why KRS says that Def Jam single handedly destroyed the culture known as hip hop, I feel somewhere along the line the money nd the greed has transpired in these artists and the values and ethics of what was hip hop had turned into the rap game or the music business. This is especially seen through accusations from artists about not getting as much shine as other artists and not enough money being put into their albums and marketing. When you think about it, it's like when Ha by Juvenile was big in the South and making it national but when Jay-Z got on the track it brought it to a whole nother level. I think many artists on Def Jam feel that they are in their own stratosphere and because of the fact that not only is it a pioneering label but it also molded and powerhoused some of the best artists of this generation. Shit even Nas knew whats up and took his ass to Def Jam. Therefore the label as a whole seems like a label that bullies itself through the music business.
I think to say that Def Jam single handedly destroyed hip hop is a very loaded statement because there are so many factors that led to the dismembering of hip hop from rap. But I do think that Def Jam had a hand in bringing about the musical recession we are in when it comes to rap. The south didn't do it alone once rappers that you call heroes make fuckery look cool there is a generation of idiots that will come about.
Speak Your Mind, But Hold That Thought!
Dubz Cake Official Video Release Party

Jaea Magazine Presents...
The Official Video Release Party of Dubz Cake's "Turn the Flow up"
GTA's very own hip-hop sensation Dubz Cake will be hosting the release of his new video for his hit single "Turn the Flow up"...Check him out @
The video was shot on location in Hollywood, CA which allowed the essence of the song to be magnified and portrayed visually.
It all goes down Oct 2, 2009 inside Vola Lounge 214 Adelaide St W
Dress Code in Full Effect!!
Guest Appearances by Page (Best known for his single "I'm still fly" ft Drake)
Music By:
Infamous Soundcrew
Lexus Supreme
For G-list:
Add Jaea Mag
GTA's very own dynamic fashion line, Dey'jor Diamondz will be in the building giving away clothing from the new fall collection
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Post Secondary Hopes & Aspirations
Hey what's up blogging world, I'm back again with another blog this morning at a 11:12. I need to hurry up and finish this so I can get ready for my tutorial today *thumbs up*
Well for most in my age group we are either in our second year of uni, college, or for some of my friends it's their second and final year in college (Congrats). I would like to say that second year so far for me has been probably my best so far (kinda ridic because I just started) but I'm actually liking it so far. My schedule looks so right I am taking the classes I do like and although there is a little pressure for me to get into an honours program I am not scared by it. I feel this year is going to be my year because I think I have found refuge in what I want to do with my life and I have a plan. Oh yea and an agenda! The best thing that has ever happened to me :). But this is a shout out to all my upper years, these 4 years are gonna be the worst and the best time of our lives and I want you all to enjoy every minute of it.
Everyday that you are sitting in class, try to pay attention but if you can't go to sleep, don't procrastinate get that work done. I feel we can only trace our successes by us recognizing it, yes it is always good to have someone to recognize your accomplishments but you need to also be happy in your successes. As a new school year starts I want to say good luck to all my uni and college kids. And to my highschool munchkins that are in gr.12 or doing a victory lap the easy part of this post secondary game is getting in to the institution the hard part is staying in once you get in.
Keep Focused & God Bless :)
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Saturday, September 19, 2009
Artist Spotlight: Slakah The Beatchild

Honestly, everybody that are real music heads have been trying to put me on to this guy but I never had the time to take him in. But in the same light I did get a chance to take him in, I would hear his music all the time but I never really knew who it was, but I loved his stuff. His name is Slakah The Beatchild! He is a Toronto-based producer/singer/rapper who has worked with artists such as Drake, Melanie Durrant, Saukrates etc. His music is the perfect blend of neo-soul mixed with a bit of old skool. He takes you to a place with his silky smooth voice and his infectious beats. His beats are banging enough to make any rap head bob their heads or r&b listeners mellow out to his melodies. This guy honestly shows another side of Toronto music post-Drake frenzy. I am feeling him and special shoutout too my boys Kosi and Chris for putting me on. His album Soul Movement Vol. 1 is out check him out. Here is his myspace:
"They call me Slakah cuz I ain't even tryin' yet"-Slakah The Beatchild
An Ode To My Sister: Ugly Is The New Pretty

So I guess this will be one of those self-reflecting blogs. . .
I have a 10 year old sister that is going through puberty as of right now. She starting to adjust to her now growing body and dealing with the 'motions that come with this experience. I am 19 years old and I think for the most part I am done with puberty but watching my sister go through it scares me. Most people would ask why is it scary? It is scary because there is a part of me that wishes that she doesn't have to go through it and another part of me is scared of her growing up. I feel that with my sister growing up in today's society alot of the images that she sees on a daily basis can become problematic for her.
When I look back on growing up I realized I had a lot of issues about myself since I was about her age. Either dealing with self esteem issues or doing horrible in math there was always a problem. Til this day I still struggle with these issues because like with every woman being completely comfortable with your skin is always one of the hardest things to have a grasp of. And it was never made easier for me when I was growing up when people would see me with my mom and ask me if that was my aunt. I would then reply that it was my mom and the funny stares I would get were sort of ridiculous. Yes my mother is light skin, but my father is also dark skin hence to why my skintone would not resemble that of my mother's. Or even having to deal with people ask me why my eyes are big or why am I always in and out of surgery or an orthodontist office.
Especially the damn orthodontist visits and surgeries, when you are told for a good portion of your life that is something is wrong with you or something isn't right about you it's never a good feeling. Believe me I know, because sometimes it puts me in a place liek why do I need this done or that done, when will I look "normal", when will I look "perfect", but most importantly when will I look like everybody else? And as I get older I start to question what is normality, what is perfection, and why is there a need to be like everybody else. WHY? I don't even know if I can answer that question and still come up with an answer that makes sense because when you think about it the world doesn't make sense.
Sometimes I don't think a lot of people realize what they do when they nitpick or moms who take their kids into beauty paegants and have them dolled up in an artifical manner. They kill a child's psyche and warp their sense of who they are and what "beauty" means. And if life can't get any TOUGHER, puberty comes and boys get involved, then there is this aspect of trying to get the opposite sex to like you. Its funny what sometimes we go through to just to get that little bit of recognition. I can't say I feel like I have reached that part of my life because I still have my own issues to deal with and that is as to why I try to take things one day at a time. Life isn't easy so I try my hardest to surround myself with positive people and things to get my mind right.
Like I said I am not perfect and I still struggle with my own issues, but now I have a sister that is going through the process of womanhood. I worry about her everyday because she is my mini-me but I want to make all the mistakes so she doesn't have to, I want to protect her from the world but I can't. All I can do is guide her, but even sometimes I don't know how I will guide her because I am not even sure of myself. But one day it all hit me like a ton of bricks I don't have to know how to guide her, but I should take the journey with her. It's never too late to learn something and by watching her grow up I realized UGLY IS THE NEW PRETTY. When I say that it basically shows her that you are beautiful no matter what even if you don't fit the status quo of beauty. The only way you can truly be happy is if you realize the most vitale thing: Don't go around trying to PLEASE the WORLD,PLEASE YOURSELF.
This is an ode to my baby sis, I might fight with you but know that I love you and I'm here.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Artist Spotlight: LMFAO

I can't even font at first I didn't know what to expect out of these two guys. Not to mention I didn't even know they were biracial. They were one big surprise to me but I think we are going to see a lot of them in the next coming months. LMFAO consists of two group members by the name of Blu and Foo and they both from Hollywood, California. They both started as experimental DJs by mashing commercial hits with electro instrumentals, which came to be their signature sound. With singles such as "I'm In Miami Bitch", "La La La" and their new single "Shots" ft. Lil Jon (which was getting the pub at my university going) it is for sure their music will heard whether it's their own creations or remixes of some of the biggest songs this year. Look out for their album Party Rock which is in stores now!
"Patrons on the rocks and I'm ready for some shots. . .Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots EVERYBODY"
Kanye You Do Alot of Shit, But Man This Wasn't Necessary
This is a special blog because I didn't even really intend to do this blog but I felt it was a must.
Kanye West embarassed the shit out of Taylor Swift and made Beyonce look extremely horrible. Taylor sold more records than Kanye & Beyonce this year. Single Ladies is not the best video nor was it innovative because the whole concept is taken from a '50s dance and has reminisce of Destiny's Child. Taylor Swift won Best Female Video of The Year and Beyonce won the biggest prize of the night Video of The Year.
This is what I don't get there are the Kanye stans that keep saying that he had a point to voice his opinion. Some people are trying to compare Kanye's outburst to Simon Cowell's judging on American Idol. I hate to sound like a prick but some of you people are the DUMBEST motherfuckers I have ever seen in my whole life. So I am going to breakdown the points that u people are making and dismiss you once and for all.
People need to know that once you reach a status as a celebrity nobody is telling you to not be true to yourself because you can do that. But as someone that has common sense you need to have fuckin manners. Mannerisms get you alot of places in life, for the people that are trying to justify what Kanye was doing I will say this will you go to your job and have a stupid outburst just to prove a point. No I don't think so, no matter how much you think you are good at your job. So that point is dismissed. But there is more nothing is wrong with your voicing opinion as I am now but in life there is a time and place for everything. There is no need to act an ass when it's not necessary because not only does it make you look stupid but can also fuck with how people deal with you. But let me go a bit farther into that night, Kanye had a bottle of Hennessey in his hand arriving to the award show and somebody couldnt tell me nothing was wrong with it? Don't give me that bullshit bout 'he's jus doing him' that is a load of CRAP. All he was doing was feeding into a black stereotype and on the part of Kanye, he is better than that and he knows it. He wasn't raised to be ghetto, he was raised to act a certain manner because unlike alot of these rappers he had a chance to pursue education but decided to drop out to chase his dreams. For someone like Kanye who has been through alot (car accident, mother's death, broken engagement) you would think he would act like he appreciates everything but he acts like he's King Kong of this shit, he is turning into an ungrateful motherfucker.
For my boy Kosi (yes nigga I'm calling you out)that tried to compare the antics of Simon Cowell to Kanye's fuckery. Well how can you compare someone that is judging up and coming talent and it says so in his contract to someone that jumps on stage and steals someone's moment of glory from them. In American Idol contestants go there knowing that there are harsh things that are going to be said, but, at an award show when you win an award you are suppose to enjoy your moment and be glad that amongst your peers you got considered. This is why I say that what Kanye did was absolutely WRONG. When you are 19 years old and you have been grinding since you were kid, playing your own instruments and writing your own songs, an award would mean so much to you because the loss of having a normal life seems all worth it because someone recognizes your hard work. So for someone of Kanye's celebrity (and age difference) to come on stage and downgrade your shit is such an immature move.
Yes, Beyonce gave Taylor back her moment when Beyonce won video of the year, but it still doesn't change the fact that Kanye took a special moment from her that she will never get back. So these Kanye fans that are sitting back saying what he did was right I wish someone would come and steal Kanye's shine when he is trying to accept an award and I would LOVE to say what you people say. But enough about Kanye & Swift because everybody is missing the bigger picture the VMAs were dedicated to Michael Jackson not a night for publicity stunts, it was dedicate to Michael Jackson and his accomplishments. If it wasn't for Michael being the first black man to have their video premiere on MTV people like Kanye wouldn't enjoy the success they have now. When Thriller aired about 25 years ago Micheal opened up so many doors and brought about a bright future for black entertainers, Kanye's coonish behaviour not only in front of his peers but Michael's family felt like he set back black entertainers 25 years.
Kanye showed a lack of respect point blank period and people need to stop letting him get by with actions like this. Ignorance is never bliss it just causes more confusion and prejudice.
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